Playing with Daddy

Here's one way to make Sierra laugh so hard..

Grow your beard/mustache and kiss her on the neck!

beard/mustache + kiss on the neck = priceless!

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Sierra at 6 months!

Sierra turned 6 months a few weeks ago, so we prepared a cake for her!
It's Lola Lau's cake!


So what has Sierra been up to the past month?

She's started to eat solid foods like rice porridge with squash, chayote or carrots.  Lola Lau also mixes in pork and chicken meat to taste!

I love squash!!!

She also loves..

Sierra can now stand up on her own while holding on to something for support.

Since she can now climb over things, we had to lower her crib to the bottom level.

Up next..  Baby Fashion..

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Sierra Isobel at 5

Look who just turned 5 months!?

Happy 5 months Sierra Isobel!

 Wow! Cake!


The number, 5!

Hey!  Where are you going with my cake?!


Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Wonder Woman's baby turns 4 months

My wife, Anne, is often called Wonder Woman because she has:
 - super-strength - was the college Judo Team Captain
 - super-speed - always first at the office
 - super-stamina - can work long hours and still do her morning runs
 - super-agility - can keep up with Body Jam routines
 - and flight - travels around the world at least twice a week

Guess who's inherited these super-powers!

Wonder Woman

Well, we haven't really seen these super-powers yet, but what we're sure of is that Aphrodite, the goddess of love and beauty, blessed Sierra with great beauty and a loving heart.

Stay tuned for the comic strip interview with the new Wonder Woman!

P. S.  Thanks to Tita Shani for Wonder Woman's clothes and accessories!

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4 Cupcakes for Sierra!

Sierra is 4 months now and she's is growing really fast!

She was 6.6lbs when she came out and she's now 14lbs!  Mama Nancy said that babies are expected to double their weight in 6 months but Sierra already doubled her weight on her 3rd months!  What are we to expect on her 6th month?

4 Cupcakes for Sierra

To celebrate her 4th month, daddy baked cupcakes for her!

4 Cupcakes for Sierra

4 Cupcakes for Sierra


She tried putting the cupcakes in her mouth, but made the same face as eating her Sayote (Chayote).  Don't worry Sierra, we'll eat the cupcakes for you.

Sierra has learned to do many things already, now that she's on her 4th month.  She's been singing (making a lot of noise), rolling in bed, grabbing her toys, a bit of crawling.  She just learned a new skill recently:

4 Cupcakes for Sierra


Happy 4th month, Sierra Isobel!

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